Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Human nature vs. Human condition Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Human nature vs. Human condition - Essay Example But it needs to be noted here that everything that relates to us is inbuilt. Some features that build up our personality are depending on our past rather than having a scientific background. Things that build up the human condition are marriages, deaths, terrorism, physical activities like sports etc. which are not applicable to any scientific reasoning need to be studied in a more humanly manner. "Thinking about humans and the rest of nature has focused on shared biological properties and environmental attitudes." (Levin, 9) The reason why people confuse these very different branches of anthropology is that these branches despite being quite different share certain features which are quite similar when it comes to human development and growth. It needs to be discriminated here the difference between those features that symbolize the human way of living as we take it to be and the reasonable claim that it has taken origin from the human times it is easy to discriminate. For instance, cooking is part of one's everyday activity and despite how essential it is to us humans we can still not consider to be part of our nature although it has a past but still the utensils, material etc. required to produce food is not innate but a creation. Likewise sports is not something we were naturally interested in or has an evolutionary history but it is more of a requirement of one's prevailing conditions and desires. But the problem arises with certain issue that is quite intriguing for even researchers because of their dominating biological nature. The philosopher I would like to mention here are Thomas Hobbes and Plato who both in their distinct manner have contributed to propagate this theory. Although "The interpersonal structures of humanity, the genesis of social order cannot be conveyed from a philosophical perspective" (Klein and Sitling, 191) In Hobbes book Leviathan he provides a very detailed analysis about the human condition. In this book he tells that our internal desires, motives and behavior are all because of the biological processes that are taking place inside us. The choice between good and bad, right and wrong is merely the choice of the individual and his/her personal preferences. When one is not bounded by society and is only answerable to him then the objective of living fades. In a natural atmosphere one does not need to abide by justice or injustice but can choose what he prefers and neglect what is not a part of his conscious choice o0r ill for his existence. Apparently the picture Thomas Hobbes tried to draw was fairly vague with no practicality in itself. He believed that the humans did not require moral or ethical values to survive. There was no room for justice, fairness, trust, equality etc. which are such virtues without which a society can never prosper. For instance if the people constituting a society have only desires of basic necessities like food etc. then the one in power and dominance on the basis of hi s position would oppress the one underneath depriving the oppressed one of his basic necessities. The reason behind such representation was not to portray a scary sort of a depiction but was consciously based on the ethics of society. For instance if today we are bound to morality, value and principles it is merely because we have a sense of responsibility and certain infused respect for others which we have learnt from our surroundings. If these values vanish and humans are not liable to others then an environment will be created that would be free from justice with bloodshed and injustice everywhere. Furthermore an environment would be created that w

Sunday, February 9, 2020

Integration of Financial and Operational Management Essay

Integration of Financial and Operational Management - Essay Example Dell has committed itself to operate in a way that would not only achieve excellence in operations but also benefit the company financially and would result in satisfied customers. Because of its commitment to constant improvement the company installed the direct selling method where JIT system and lean production were adopted which improved company’s efficiency and effectiveness in many areas. On the other hand the company used the rapidly growing IT technology well by working on customer focused ordering system which enable them to design their own product, which resulted in much satisfied customers and zero inventory level. Zero inventory level was further implemented by changes in the supply chain and integration of the entire company’s operations into the supply chain. Through redesigning of systems and process, Dell is able to become the most efficient PC manufacturers in the world. However, it should be noted that although Dell has installed a system which serves as a benchmark for many manufacturing companies, Dell still needs to focus on few areas which if not attended can turn out to be bigger operational issues in the future. Introduction: Dell is one of the largest American multinational company which deals in selling and supporting computers and related products and services. The company is involved in selling, manufacturing and distribution of high technological products like PCs, servers, data storage devices, printers, cameras, HDTVs soft wares etc. Dell is the third largest IT Company of the world and faces close competition from its competitors HP (Hewlett Packard), Acer, Apple, and Lenovo etc. Managerial Challenges: Dell has been in business for over 28 years. Since its inception, Dell has faced many operational and financial difficulties and has adopted numerous strategies to overcome its challenges and restore its profitability. Dell’s operational strategy since its early days had been to use interchangeable parts to pr oduce goods of mass-production at lowest possible prices. However, due to rapid increase in the demand of technology, globalization, new and evolving market trends and technological demands the company faced operational challenges in many fields. Excessive and Obsolete Inventory: Dell had faced numerous problems in the early stages; the company in its early stages expanded into traditional retail channels which it stopped later on due to heavy obsolete inventory and thin margins in the business. Later on in 1990 the company faced another operational issue of excess component inventory and abandonment of production line. This caused heavy losses to the company despite of doubling sales during the period. The major problem that Dell faced at that time was the excessive inventory along with the prevailing recession made it report a huge loss of $36 millions in 1994. (Ireland, Hoskisson & Hitt. 2012) Dell struggled with great difficulties in inventory management area as it used the trad itional manufacturing ordering system by ordering components in advance on the forecast basis and if the forecast went wrong the company had major write-downs. (Ireland, Hoskisson & Hitt. 2012) Changing Customer’s Demands: The technological business is a rapidly changing business where the introduction of a new technology can cause heavy losses. Dell’s main concern was about the inventory in hand that became obsolete due